The Digital Childhood Agency is uniquely qualified to work with a broad range of stakeholders on childhood + digital.
Policy makers
We advise governments, regulators and activists when developing digital policy that impacts children.
Digital impacts all aspects of childhood - development, rights, safety, privacy and security, wellbeing, education, health, future skills, life chances, equality and justice. We work with stakeholders across the policy landscape to develop policy proposals that reflect the reality of children’s digital lives and respond to its complexity.
We work with legislators and regulators to draft laws and establish regulatory frameworks so the digital environment is safe, private, rights-respecting and age-appropriate by design. Laws we have helped shape include the Age-Appropriate Design Code, Online Safety Act and other online safety and privacy legislation around the world.
The decisions policy makers take today will impact children for decades. We understand how children use technology today and how this will change in the future and can design workable policy solutions that keep up with the pace of change.
Digital platforms
We advise digital platforms on all aspects of age-appropriate design.
We believe the design of digital platforms should align with children’s needs, rights and evolving capacities. We are always excited to work with design agencies and product teams who share our commitment to designing for childhood, especially startups.
We understand what policy makers and regulators in the UK and across Europe expect from digital platforms that are likely to be accessed by children. We advise on how to meet current compliance obligations and also on emerging regulatory trends across safety, privacy and wellbeing. This enables clients to harmonise their compliance strategy and to anticipate and plan for incoming requirements.
We can ensure that the voices of children are effectively represented and considered when making design decisions.
We help brands and their advisors make sense of public and policy discourse surrounding children’s use of tech and to make strategic decisions that are data-driven and effective in supporting children.
We design and deliver bespoke briefings and workshops with project teams where we make the connections between theories of childhood, children’s lived experiences, future trends, and your project brief.
We apply our subject matter expertise to help brands develop marketing and communication strategies that connect with children and parents. We also ensure representations of childhood and children’s use of technology reflect best practice. This means depictions are authentic, rights-respecting and developmentally appropriate.
Children are the most critical stakeholders in our future but they tend to be under considered in ESG strategies. We help organisations build children’s rights into their social responsibility, diversity & inclusivity, sustainability and digital strategies. Our approach is grounded in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child as well as General Comments 25 (digital) and 16 (business).